W e have dabbled with filming (video) and audio for many years from limited offerings to full on out-sourced productions, but for 2015 have decided to bring the option for filming fully and permanently back in-house in order that we can provide you with something 100% integrated and compatible. We believe that the future (for us anyway) is in this direction of a ‘combined media’ approach, ie, photography AND filming and look forward to showcasing our productions over the coming months as we produce more of them.
In that regard, we’d like to introduce you to Firehorse Films, our new ‘sub-brand’ specialising in various options of capture and presentation beyond photography.
The options available range from a photography slideshow (most posts in the Journal area of this site feature a slideshow), through Photo-Films and Fusion-Films to our ultimate option, the Firehorse Pure-Film, as detailed below:
Some of these are QUITE LONG! (and therefore require a good broadband connection so please allow time for them to load properly!)
The top spec offering of the available options is the Pure-Film, – the most extensive capture & production that we offer resulting in a typical production of around 12-15 minutes. The resulting production combines; pure filming with audio, soundtrack and ambient sound capture.
Emily & Bernard’s wedding in France
Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
The second of our three production types is the Fusion-Film in addition to standard photographic coverage typically around 12-15 minutes.
Jenny & James’s wedding in France
Part 01
Part 02
Rosie & Hamish’s marquee wedding
Part 01
Part 02
Fin & Dom’s wedding in France
The final type of production offered is a Photo-film. Essentially a slideshow, but with audio highlights captured from the speeches and typically 10-12 minutes.
Nicola & Joe’s Sledmere House & Barmbyfield Barns wedding
So if you are looking for a fabulous low-key, minimally invasive filmed element in addition to your wedding day photography, Firehorse Photography are one of very few specialist companies in the UK to be able to offer this integrated & compatible facility!
“The moment we cry in a film is not when things are sad but when they turn out to be more than we expected them to be”